

Virgin of any moral imposition, human being is born free, attentive to their own urge. But, since he is aware, under the protection of the family structure, the individual begins a relentless pursuit to forge its identity. A grueling challenge that generates infighting between the reality of oneself and the perception that causes, among his most intimate desires and demands of the world around him in an endless battle that does not let up and join the individual in a state of disquiet and confusion.
Instincts born from the bowels hidden in a process of progressive socialization where conventionality outstrip for its privileges and self-imposed stereotypes him away from his true self. Quitting the basic man and delivered to an ideal is marking the personality of man and his relationship with others along this fascinating path and full of doubts building ourself . Because, however much they want to silence, the primal impulses never disappear.
These deep secrets of being rise to the surface through light. As “brush shapes Photography”, the light beam paints tortured beings by their fears, subconscious dream characters that crystallizing this hidden reality from a series of alliteration based on color and shapes. Exercise release a confront us with our lies and passions surreptitious, buried under the collective consciousness and morality .

From: 11-6-2015

To: 10-7-2015